
Midstream OPK

Midstream OPK kit

Two color bands indicate ovulation most likely will occur in 24 - 48 hours

Blue Cross One Step LH Urine Ovulation Test (Midstream) is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to aid in the detection of ovulation.

Here at BB Bump Shop, we would like to introduce Blue Cross One Step LH Urine Ovulation Test (Midstream) to every gals that is trying to conceive. Blue Cross ovulation predictor kit (OPK) is:
  • CE approved
    (extracted from wikipedia:
    CE marking is a mandatory conformity mark for products placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA). With the CE marking on a product the manufacturer ensures that the product conforms with the essential requirements of the applicable EC directives)
  • accuracy more than 99%
  • highly sensitive (25mIU/ml LH)
  • fast and easy to use - just place the absorbent tip in urine stream for at least 10 seconds
  • helps you to predict the time of ovulation and peak fertility
  • detects the LH surge in urine, signaling that ovulation is likely to occur in the next 24-36 hours
  • Expiry date: 03/11/2014

When to begin testing?
First, determine the length of your menstrual cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of your menstrual bleeding to the day before your next bleeding begins again. Please refer to the chart (shown below) to determine when you should start testing.

If your cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 38 days, consult your doctor.

If you do not know your cycle length, you may begin the test 11 days after your first period since the average cycle length is 28 days.

It is recommended that you use One Step LH Urine pregnancy Test twice a day in the morning (after 10am) and in the evening to more effectively and accurately catch your ovulation timing

Test Procedure
1. Bring the test pouch and urine to room temperature. To begin testing, open the sealed pouch by tearing along the notch. Remove the test from the pouch and use it as soon as once opened.

2. Hold the handle of the test with one hand. Use the other hand to remove the cap and expose the absorbent. Put the cap aside for re-cap later. (See the picture).

3. Point the absorbent tip downward; place the absorbent tip in urine stream for at least 10 seconds to be thoroughly wet. Otherwise, you can also collect your urine into a clean container (not provided) and dip half of the absorbent pad into the urine for at least 10 seconds.

4. Re-cap the device and Wait for colored bands to appear. Read the result at 10 minutes. 

5. Discard the test device after single use in the dustbin. 

6. Do not read test result after 20 minutes.

Interpretation of Results
Positive: If two color bands are visible and the test band is equal in color intensity or darker as compared to the control band. It is considered positive and you will probably ovulate within the next 24-48 hours.

Negative: Only one color band appears on the control region or the test band is lighter in color intensity as compared to the control band. There is no LH surge.

Invalid: No visible bands at all or only one red reactive band appears on the test region. It is indicated the test failed or the strip invalid, which is recommended in this case that the test should be repeated.
One Step LH Ovulation Test Instruction Guide

Purchase your OPK today!
Since every cycle is precious, do not miss your fertile window. Grab an OPK today to help you find your fertile time.

Drop us an email at for enquiries or order.

Baby dust to all :),
BB Bump Shop

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