
Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

Monitoring ovulation using OPK only is not enough to know whether you are ovulating. A positive OPK doesn't guarantee that you will ovulate! So how do we know if we are ovulating?

If BBT curve shows an upward shift within 24-48 hours after OPK first become positive, you can assume that you have ovulated. This shift should be above the highest temperatures in the previous six days, allowing one temperature to be thrown out as inaccurate (fluke, illness). Sometimes, especially with a slow rise, it can take up to four to five days to see the BBT rise after the OPK first becomes positive, but ideally, you see the rise within two to three days.

If OPK shows positive but there is no significant BBT rise, you might not be ovulating. You are advisable to seek medical advices.

BBT charting and OPKs are very helpful for women with very irregular periods who have no idea when they will ovulate next. They are also helpful for women who are taking medication that stimulates ovulation.

For BBT charting guides, you can refer to

Happy charting!

Baby dust to all,
BB Bump Shop

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